Relative Link: A relative link is any link that shows the current URL’s relation to the linked page’s URL. Instead of having the whole reference URL in the h-ref tag, relative links only show the relative link paths, as their name suggests. It’s the difference between a link that has the website’s full address, and a link that only includes a file’s specific location.
For example, a relative link would only include /images /puppies.gif in the a href tag. An absolute link, on the other hand, would include https:// www. image/ puppies.gif in it.
Using relative links instead of absolute links when building a website won’t make the site more appealing to search engines, which convert relative links into absolute links automatically. It doesn’t really matter to search engines which ones get used.
However, relative links load much faster than absolute links, and the faster a page loads, the more appealing it is to end users.
Using too many absolute links can hamper a page’s download time, and consequently have a negative impact on its conversion rates.
Basically, web developers should make their links relative whenever possible. Links to other websites must have absolute paths, but links to pages within the website can be relative, and should be for the sake of download time.